1st grade ai or ay worksheets

Vowel Digraphs Ai Ay Ow Oa Oe Worksheet.

1st grade ai or ay worksheets
This week we have become Red-Eyed Tree Frog experts thanks to the main story selection in our Houghton Mifflin reading series. One of us even became a Red-Eyed Three1st Grade Level 2 Phonics Worksheets, L blends, R blends, long vowels, Long a, Silent e, Long e, Vowel digraphs ee, ea, ai, ay, word families, y as long e, consonant
1st grade ai or ay worksheets
First Grade Spelling WorksheetsFirst Grade Reading Activities, Phonics.
1st Grade Worksheets Reading
Made for 1st Grade: Long A Videos {ai/ay}
1st Grade Level 2 Phonics Worksheets.
1st Grade Level 2 Phonics Worksheets.
Featuring 1st Grade Phonics Games. ai Vowel Digraph, Long a, Phonics Game. Practice the ‘ai‘ long vowel digraph which has the bl consonant blend, phonics game
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